Product Description
The addition of this 8-feet Straight Balance Beam to your school playground or park setting delivers much more fun, entertainment, creativity and physical development than first appears. Balancing plays an important role in childhood development and allows them to perfect a skill that can be used on many other types of playground equipment. The core muscles are worked as the legs attempt to stabilize the body when the child crosses the beam, and children will learn to stretch their arms out to provide an extra element of stabilization. It’s also great for developing imaginations too as the beam could easily be a rickety wooden bridge crossing a lava flow or a tree trunk that’s fallen over a fast-flowing river below that they must carefully navigate. The apparatus is not too high off the ground so even if their balance should falter it’s only a short step before they’re back on solid ground. A love of gymnastics can also be formed on the beam as they develop a sense of controlling their own body.